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Have you read through the "Introduction" and "Things to Note" sections?

If you have, you should have some ideas that you want to share and discuss with your group mates.

You can also refer to "References" for more brilliant ideas!

To craft your proposal, you should first identify the problem and decide on your approach, whether you will be working through Investigation or Innovation.


Your proposal describes the problem you are interested in, how you intend to solve it, and what your considerations are when working on the project.


What's the problem you wish to solve?

Why do you want to solve it?


What method / steps will you be taking to solve the problem? (Include diagram)

Budget and Schedule

How much money do you need and what do you need to buy?

Plan a timeline for your project.


Independent: What will you change?

Dependent: What will you measure?

Constant: What will you keep the same to ensure fairness and accuracy?

Watch the videos below to help you start off your project!

Video 1 : How to do a science fair project?

Video 1 : How to do a science fair project?

Video 2 : Get your idea and do some research

Click on the icons below for sample proposals and templates.

Proposal Template



Science Busking

Sample Proposal

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